I keep a weblog like it's still the 90s. For commentary and dissent please visit jontaylor.ca, or various other purveyors of thought online.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Missing kindergartner found in 1st grade
Missing kindergartner found in 1st grade: "seriously? is this news?"
Blog Archive
- Think Again: Africa's Crisis
- I Think My Friend Was Wrong
- Blue Chip, White Cotton: What Underwear Says About...
- The Powerful Have a Different Perspective on Ethic...
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- While My Guitar Gently Beeps - The Beatles - Rock ...
- Booming Middle-Class Diet May Stress Asia's Water ...
- Partisans and sober second thought
- Magic and Chimps
- How Does Scratching Relieve an Itch?
- Good Novels Don’t Have to Be Hard Work
- Darwin, Magic and Evolution
- Gone Forever: What Does It Take to Really Disappear?
- 20 Fascinating Ancient Maps
- Long debate ended over cause, demise of ice ages –...
- Facebook changes privacy policy
- Keeping a lid on fun in Vancouver
- Mercury in fish: Hold the sushi
- Religion_and_Health_All_August09.pdf (application/...
- Robocop the romance novel on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
- What We Are Not Embarrassed by
- The Fuhrer's Obsession with Art: 'Hitler Considere...
- Liberalism without labor unions? | Salon
- We’ve Got 35 Times More Horsepower in Our Cars Tha...
- Missing kindergartner found in 1st grade
- Professor Paul Krugman at war with Niall Ferguson ...
- A Taste of Pyongyang.
- The suburban lawn: enemy of lakes, oceans and rive...
- A modest proposal for improving football: the ‘tim...
- The Artist Formerly Known as Dissident: Artists ha...
- Why the Khadr fetish?
- Your Baby Is Smarter Than You Think
- Mathematics of a Zombie Attack
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- Anthropogenic Continental Drift: An Incoherent Truth
- Ontario’s big windy gamble
- SNL Audition Tapes
- My Father, The Inglourious Basterd
- Can I call you Belinda?
- Photo With Kim Jong Il and Bill Clinton Tied to Jo...
- Ten Drugs You Shouldn't Do While Driving
- Doctors vs. Gunowners
- Do Animals or People Get Better Care?
- Living Root Bridges
- 'Buy American' rule clogs plans for U.S. sewer upg...
- B.C. Mountie kills pit bull that attacked llama
- The history of the Times New Roman typeface
- Detroit's Beautiful, Horrible Decline
- Sceptic switches tack
- Vancouver car-free Sundays hit a red light
- Radiohead: Harry Patch (In memory of)
- David Letterman’s Top Ten Numbers From One to Ten
- Is CYXYMU the first "digital refugee"?
- Sincerely, John Hughes
- Why Michael Ignatieff is hard to find these days
- Killing Flipper
- San Diego to test mobile electric car charger
- CATcerto
- Musicians and Their Awesome Sesame Street Appearances
- Video: Dawkins vs. Wright
- Are Bees the Next Mass-Extinction Species?
- Is High-Speed Rail a Good Public Investment?
- Stats Confirm It: Teens Don’t Tweet
- Runaway Train?
- The 7 vices of highly creative people
- Do International Labor Standards Contribute to the...
- Does closing roads cut delays?
- Where Did The Easter Bunny Come From?
- China's Broken Olympic Promises: Detained Activist...
- Canada auto sales weaken in July, but Ford shines
- The Omnivore’s Delusion: Against the Agri-intellec...
- The Spectecutive Branch
- Why Most Journalists Are Democrats: A View from th...
- What Does Renewable Energy Look Like?
- Cronkite’s Signature Mix of Authority and Approach...