I keep a weblog like it's still the 90s. For commentary and dissent please visit jontaylor.ca, or various other purveyors of thought online.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Blog Archive
- Think Again: Africa's Crisis
- I Think My Friend Was Wrong
- Blue Chip, White Cotton: What Underwear Says About...
- The Powerful Have a Different Perspective on Ethic...
- The Decade in Pop
- Lesser Evils
- While My Guitar Gently Beeps - The Beatles - Rock ...
- Booming Middle-Class Diet May Stress Asia's Water ...
- Partisans and sober second thought
- Magic and Chimps
- How Does Scratching Relieve an Itch?
- Good Novels Don’t Have to Be Hard Work
- Darwin, Magic and Evolution
- Gone Forever: What Does It Take to Really Disappear?
- 20 Fascinating Ancient Maps
- Long debate ended over cause, demise of ice ages –...
- Facebook changes privacy policy
- Keeping a lid on fun in Vancouver
- Mercury in fish: Hold the sushi
- Religion_and_Health_All_August09.pdf (application/...
- Robocop the romance novel on Flickr - Photo Sharing!
- What We Are Not Embarrassed by
- The Fuhrer's Obsession with Art: 'Hitler Considere...
- Liberalism without labor unions? | Salon
- We’ve Got 35 Times More Horsepower in Our Cars Tha...
- Missing kindergartner found in 1st grade
- Professor Paul Krugman at war with Niall Ferguson ...
- A Taste of Pyongyang.
- The suburban lawn: enemy of lakes, oceans and rive...
- A modest proposal for improving football: the ‘tim...
- The Artist Formerly Known as Dissident: Artists ha...
- Why the Khadr fetish?
- Your Baby Is Smarter Than You Think
- Mathematics of a Zombie Attack
- Please Excuse Our Inefficiently High-Quality Blogging
- Anthropogenic Continental Drift: An Incoherent Truth
- Ontario’s big windy gamble
- SNL Audition Tapes
- My Father, The Inglourious Basterd
- Can I call you Belinda?
- Photo With Kim Jong Il and Bill Clinton Tied to Jo...
- Ten Drugs You Shouldn't Do While Driving
- Doctors vs. Gunowners
- Do Animals or People Get Better Care?
- Living Root Bridges
- 'Buy American' rule clogs plans for U.S. sewer upg...
- B.C. Mountie kills pit bull that attacked llama
- The history of the Times New Roman typeface
- Detroit's Beautiful, Horrible Decline
- Sceptic switches tack
- Vancouver car-free Sundays hit a red light
- Radiohead: Harry Patch (In memory of)
- David Letterman’s Top Ten Numbers From One to Ten
- Is CYXYMU the first "digital refugee"?
- Sincerely, John Hughes
- Why Michael Ignatieff is hard to find these days
- Killing Flipper
- San Diego to test mobile electric car charger
- CATcerto
- Musicians and Their Awesome Sesame Street Appearances
- Video: Dawkins vs. Wright
- Are Bees the Next Mass-Extinction Species?
- Is High-Speed Rail a Good Public Investment?
- Stats Confirm It: Teens Don’t Tweet
- Runaway Train?
- The 7 vices of highly creative people
- Do International Labor Standards Contribute to the...
- Does closing roads cut delays?
- Where Did The Easter Bunny Come From?
- China's Broken Olympic Promises: Detained Activist...
- Canada auto sales weaken in July, but Ford shines
- The Omnivore’s Delusion: Against the Agri-intellec...
- The Spectecutive Branch
- Why Most Journalists Are Democrats: A View from th...
- What Does Renewable Energy Look Like?
- Cronkite’s Signature Mix of Authority and Approach...