This was forwarded to me by my housemate over the weekend.
I happened across this article on the CBC website:
The closing paragraph reads:
"After the Diefenbaker government axed the Arrow, many members of the Avro Canada engineering and technical staff left Canada for the U.S. to become lead engineers, program managers and heads of engineering in NASA's manned space programs Mercury to Apollo , which led to the first man on the moon in 1969."
I then decided I would see what wikipedia has to say about the Avro Arrow. A segment of the opening paragraph of their article reads:
"Many of the Avro Canada engineering and technical staff, led by Jim Chamberlin, migrated to the United States in a massive "brain drain" to become lead engineers, program managers and heads of engineering in NASA's manned space programs - Projects Mercury, Gemini and Apollo."
I'm glad to see our tax dollars pay for such well researched journalism.