C'mon Kids!
Are the Quebecois people their own nation? Boring
Is America suing the Environment? Sexy
Former finance minister supports Rae? Boring
Former Russian Spy Murdered using Polonium Poisoning? Sexy
Pope remains un-dead (but not a zombie) in Turkey? Boring
Sheila Fraser? Sexy
Let's focus on the sexy news.
I keep a weblog like it's still the 90s. For commentary and dissent please visit jontaylor.ca, or various other purveyors of thought online.
Blog Archive
- Time to Focus
- Let's ask Stephane Dion?
- Fighting Climate Change: Punchline
- Fighting Climate Change: Put up your dukes.
- Erik's Waterfall
- The Simpsons and the Green Movement
- I don't think the state can/should fight climate c...
- EnviroEthics?
- Who Said Anything about PMSH?
- Enviromotionalism and Kyoto
- Night Sky with Trees
- Hyperbole of the Day
- The one armed economist