American's Crazed Corn Habit - Justin Rohrlich - Mises Institute: "According to a recent Congressional Budget Office report, the increased use of ethanol is responsible for a rise in food prices of approximately 10 to 15 percent.
We're turning corn into fuel — a highly inefficient one, at that — instead of food."
I keep a weblog like it's still the 90s. For commentary and dissent please visit, or various other purveyors of thought online.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Blog Archive
- Why do so many terrorists have engineering degrees?
- Is Food the New Sex?
- EPA Regulations Cause Drought in California
- What % Of 7-Footers Play Basketball?
- Why are modern scientists so dull?
- The "blueprints" of Monsieur Eiffel
- EDITORIAL: Biased reporting on Climategate
- John Mackey and Whole Foods
- Awkward Timing for a Book by Woods
- The Canucks in Canuckville
- Conservatism Is Dead
- American's Crazed Corn Habit
- B.C. only province with rising greenhouse gases
- U.S. cap and trade looks out of reach in 2010
- Questions over business deals of UN climate change...
- The Worst-Run Big City in the U.S.
- Green shoppers more likely to cheat
- “We Don’t Know” is better than “Global Warming” “G...
- For your information…
- Observations: Draft text of new "Copenhagen Accord"
- Orchestra says no to being mimed at Games
- Michael E. Mann - E-mail furor doesn't alter evide...
- When the mobs rule
- A page out of Harper’s playbook
- Pressure drop causing wind turbine bat deaths, say...
- Geologist stands trial for triggering earthquakes ...
- Gwynne Dyer: Tony Blair, the young war criminal
- The Other Nobel Controversy
- A sick Liberal Party, and the people who protect it
- Climategate: the ailing 'mainstream' media are com...
- Beyond debate?
- December 10th | Flight of the Conchords
- Canada's Nisga'a: Home-owning nation
- Innovation: The military-consumer complex
- Sniping and Squatting
- Take This Paradigm and Shove It
- Editorial: Losing the right to be Right
- Asking For Orange Juice On American Airlines May V...
- 'Small wind' market to double by 2013, study says ...
- Cadman will break Tory ranks, vote against HST
- Primate study halted by US university
- Extinction Countdown: Indonesia's Palm oil economy...
- Diplomacy That Will Live in Infamy
- Kyoto accord was dumb 12 years ago -- and it's dum...
- Myanmar Motion Picture Academy Awards
- Good Samaritan stabbed repeatedly
- The enduring influence of architect Christopher Al...
- My real name is David Jones
- Universal or selective human rights?
- The Bottle Genie
- Nick Carr: The Secret Bowling Alley
- Susan Boyle sets US chart record
- Critic of ‘Climate Oligarchy’ Defends Case for CO2...
- The Ascent, and Fall, of Dubai
- Let's go to the pub.
- Nullius in Verba