Pundits' Guide
Good Canadian Politics source.
I keep a weblog like it's still the 90s. For commentary and dissent please visit jontaylor.ca, or various other purveyors of thought online.
Blog Archive
- Another Long Goodbye: Chinese Paddlefish
- Compubeaver
- The Black World and the Dual Brain Drain: A Focus ...
- Can “Charter Cities” Change the World? A Q&A With ...
- Project BLT
- Subway Yearbook Photos
- Smart materials will "revolutionise" architecture ...
- Denis Coderre: Classy
- Windmills Are Killing Our Birds
- Some Truths More Inconvenient than Others?
- Prince of Pot's sentence reeks of injustice and mo...
- Yamal: A "Divergence" Problem
- Guantanamo Deadline May Be Missed
- Exile for Non-Believers: Polar Bear Expert Told to...
- Follow Up: More Female Economic Indicators…
- Inducing Innovation with Prizes
- No, Copenhagen is not dead. Quite the reverse — pr...
- Is Copenhagen Dead?
- Cohen defies critics with Israeli gig
- Simulating and stimulating climate hope
- Every G20 nation wants to be Canada, Stephen Harpe...
- The Serendipity of Genius
- Don’t Read This Post
- Michael Ignatieff’s weighty autumn - Paul Wells
- The 19th c. world in living color
- Climate change: Avoiding a crash at Copenhagen
- Why I loathe feminism ... and believe it will ulti...
- Is the Internet melting our brains?
- Barbara Kay: Judy Rebick plays the "shmaltz card" ...
- Kurt Vonnegut Reads Breakfast of Champions
- Most Traffic Growth To UK News Sites Is Coming Fro...
- Harper: Canada will be out of Afghanistan in 2011
- Stormtroopers 365
- Melting Ice Caps Expose Hundreds Of Secret Arctic ...
- Google signs deal to print 2m books on Espresso ma...
- Absurdist Literature Stimulates Our Brains
- Does it matter if Semenya had unfair advantage?
- Ear to the Universe starts listening
- New power line for northern B.C. promised
- Joint Statement by President Barack Obama of the U...
- Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Bu...
- Run, Izzard, run and run again
- I will not sign this letter
- Billions Served: Norman Borlaug interviewed by Ron...
- Peter D. Kramer on putting lithium into drinking w...
- The Next Osama
- Arming Somalia
- True Tales of Conversational Vengeance
- The Sayano-Shushenskaya dam accident
- How much did highways really matter for suburbaniz...
- 13 more things: The Bloop
- The Interview: Douglas Coupland
- Canada's wine industry: Outsourcing terroir | The ...
- Thomas Friedman is a Liberal Fascist
- You’re teaching our kids WHAT?
- Endangering Species: Listing Can Make Animals Valu...
- Et tu, Sigg?
- Hey, I hired a security guard
- Crying Racism
- Do Fire Stations Ever Catch Fire?
- Don't blame--or subsidize--Greyhound
- Too many votes for Karzai
- The First Five Steps Toward Believing 9/11 Was an ...
- A proud moment for the CBC
- 50 things that are being killed by the internet
- Funding the Afghan Taliban
- IBM plunges into the 'smart grid for water'
- Nixon's Plan For Health Reform, In His Own Words
- The "New Normal" For the U.S. Economy: What Will I...
- Parody: Awesome People Film A Melodrama At IKEA
- The beginning of the end for Political Correctness...
- Group Polarization: The Trend to Extreme Decisions
- Ducklings rescued from swimming pool
- Ten Ways to Make BC a Model for Urban Farming
- A question of commitment
- Report: Geoengineering an option to limit climate ...
- TheMoneyIllusion � The best prediction of the past...
- Japan’s new first lady says she rode a UFO
- Making Music for Monkey Minds
- The Record of the Paper
- Pundits' Guide
- All Dogs Don't Go to Heaven: Post-Rapture Pet Care
- Sixty Symbols - Physics and Astronomy videos
- The Periodic Table of Videos - University of Notti...
- Hamas leader denies Nazi genocide of Jews
- Who won the recession?
- Organizing Against WorldNetDaily