The Washington Post: RIP | The Hillman Foundation
Charles Kaiser writes about WaPo's death following its influence peddling fiasco.
I keep a weblog like it's still the 90s. For commentary and dissent please visit, or various other purveyors of thought online.
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Blog Archive
- The only zoos in the world where the animals are s...
- Snake oil or fish oil? Americans shelling out $33....
- Pirate on When to Negotiate, Kill Hostages
- Ikea's guerrilla ads annoy Vancouver retailer
- Ghulam Nabi Azad says late-night TV will help slow...
- Shatner reads Palin's speech as a poem
- Public Praises Science; Scientists Fault Public, M...
- National Academies: U.S. energy at a crossroads
- Vampires suck
- 'Dictaplomacy'
- Why we say yes to drugs
- Charles Manson wants Phil Spector’s help
- Western feminists mute on ravages of shariah
- Vacation Spring 2009
- Charged with Being a Jerk
- 100 Years of Design Manifestos
- Fired French Workers Win Improved Pay Offer After ...
- On the Map: Five Major North Korean Prison Camps
- Tall people are happy
- Buy to Last
- Televisions Now Dominant Life Form In United States
- Amazon on the 1984 deleting...
- Quake Machine Shocks 7-Story Condo
- Malaysia halts English experiment
- Saving the Republicans: The Young Guns go for it
- The Curious Story of Devenish-Phibbs Memorials
- I Am The Anonymous Model
- Drug users disrupt Vancouver council meeting
- Dodge the question
- How do energy companies decide where to build nucl...
- TransAlta launches hostile bid for Canadian Hydro ...
- Did a Comet Cause a North American Die-Off around ...
- Teacher, Can We Leave Now? No. - Op-Ed -
- From a Pre-Teen Mind, a Robot that Solves Rubik's ...
- The Department of Walking
- The Big Mac index: Cheesed off
- Drunk badger disrupts traffic
- Meet the man who has exposed the great climate cha...
- Jones' Good Ass BBQ & Foot Massage
- Warming, interrupted: Much ado about natural varia...
- Jennifer Lynch is a damned liar
- Battle at Kruger
- James Wolcott on Cultural Snobbery
- Why the #$%! Do We Swear? For Pain Relief
- GAO Report from Story Below
- GAO Report from Story Below
- Is Bottled Water Safer Than Tap Water? Please...
- IKEA is as bad as Wal-Mart
- Palin Not So 'Rogue' After All
- General Motors May Sell Cars Through eBay
- Christian the Lion
- Lost in music: The peculiar life of Brian Wilson
- California voters exercise their power -- and that...
- As American as…Cricket
- F$@#*$ Wit Da Teacha
- New View of Four-Galaxy Pileup
- happy birthday Mr. Tesla!
- Smoke dope and save the state of California, dude
- Something about Ezra Levant and Mark Steyn seems t...
- Not jobless, they’re ‘funemployed’
- The fat cats vs. Blazing Cat Fur
- Smelting iron ore in a microwave
- Solar power and the Sahara desert: The start of so...
- The Nanny Nation
- 2010 Olympic security plans include 'free speech a...
- Does God Hate Women?
- On Liberty at 150
- Spider-Man Reviews Crayons!
- Destino - Disney and Dali
- California Dreamers
- All sides blame McNamara for Vietnam
- The Real Quagmire in the Middle East
- The Story of Stuff with Annie Leonard
- Think Again: Asia's Rise
- The Next Financial Crisis: Virtual Banks
- United Breaks Guitars
- Wild Mood Swings - Surf the web on a whim.
- Microsoft debuts Hohm energy-saving service
- A second stimulus?
- Man Burned at Burning Man Assumed Risk of Being Bu...
- Pretty Players, Please
- Ottawa eyes $3,500 'cash-for-clunkers' program
- Elect Michael Ignatieff Prime Minister of Canada -...
- Will the real radical please stand up?
- Reinstating deposed President Manuel Zelaya would ...
- Questions for Jeff Tweedy - Rock of Ages
- Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Aptitude
- Was Jimi Hendrix murdered?
- The still-growing NPR "torture" controversy
- The Washington Post: RIP
- How driving a car into Manhattan costs $160
- Non-Places and the End of Travel
- The 'Absentee' Senator
- Japanese POW camp radio
- Smells like deflation
- Picture Perfect
- How Fructose Impairs the Memory
- Top 10 Ironic Ads From History
- I, Toaster: A British artist inadvertently brings ...
- The Toaster Project