Peak water, peak fish and the end of everything - Andrew Potter Features -
Mr. Potter of Macleans makes some really good points about yet another addition to Peak Oil Economics.
Favourite line: "The stone age didn't end because they reached peak rocks."
I keep a weblog like it's still the 90s. For commentary and dissent please visit, or various other purveyors of thought online.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Blog Archive
- Why Are You Spending More Time With Your Kids?
- Can't Robots Press the Elevator Buttons?
- Hip Hop as Native Culture
- How Utilities Integrate Wind Energy
- Tsering Shakya: Tibetan Questions
- Le Sandwich Takes a Bite Out of French Tradition
- The new Smoot-Hawley?
- Explosives on Youtube
- "Footage from the real Silent Hill" Centralia, PA
- Nathan "Flutebox" Lee and Beardyman @ Google, London
- The King is Dead
- Kiplinger's Economic Recovery Index
- Tiddy Bear
- House passes climate-change bill
- Liam Finn is awesome
- Peakonomics and the end of innovation