Like all people who have run out of things to talk about, I am going on a roadtrip. I am actually moving west (BC) for my career but things can sometimes hold a double purpose.
Like my friend Kelsey says: "Sometimes even white clouds could use a silver lining"
So day one is over, and I'm not entirely sure there will be another post for a while... but whatever right.
Maybe I'll make a video or two on the way.
Today I was listening to Weezer (Pinkerton), Bob Dylan (Modern Times), Sheila Rogers on CBC and Edge 102.
I'm hoping that Detroit and Chicago radio is better than Toronto.
Also, the Arcade Fire album is out tomorrow, so I'll probably grab that for the ride too.
I keep a weblog like it's still the 90s. For commentary and dissent please visit, or various other purveyors of thought online.