Ever wonder why Steve Jobs of Apple would make such a foolish mistake of calling the new Apple Cell the iPhone?
Cisco owns the name iPhone. It released an iPhone in late December 2006. Apple wants to release it's phone under the name iPhone.
The twist:
Karen Kitterman - hot shot lawyer - represents, you guessed it: Both Cisco and Apple.
Check it out. Bottom of the page.
In green commentary: The Green Lobby Must Be Treated as a Religion
And in sad news: The inventor of Ramen Noodles is dead.
Check back as I will be posting more soon.
I keep a weblog like it's still the 90s. For commentary and dissent please visit jontaylor.ca, or various other purveyors of thought online.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Blog Archive
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- On Paul Martin: "I regret knowing him as a person."
- The Killer Whales are Invading!!!!!
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- End of Days
- Andrew Coyne-> I love you
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- Monkey in the Backyard
- Cisco, Apple, Cult of the Environment and Ramen No...