Occasionally I'll find something so fundamentally stupid that I must post it. And
here it is:
Notable Reptilians:
George Bush Sr.,
George Bush Jr.,
Richard Cheney,
Al Gore,
Colin Powell,
Queen Elizabeth and all 4 sons including Prince Charles and Prince Andrew
President Bush's Cabinet:
Cabinet Positions & Cabinet Officials
Attorney General John Ashcroft -- High order Reptilian
Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld -- High Order Reptilian
Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson-High Order Reptilian
Interior Secretary Gale Norton -- Alien controlled
Secretary of State Colin Powell --Reptilian of the Highest Order
Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill -- Reptilian
President Bush's Advisors:
White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card
Director of the Office of Management and Budget Mitch Daniels -- Alien controlled
National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice --Alien --other type
Senators of the 107th Congress
Akaka, Daniel (D - HI) Reptilian
Allen, George (R - VA) Reptilian
Bayh, Evan (D - IN) -- Alien/other type
Biden Jr, Joseph (D - DE) -- Reptilian
Bond, Christopher (R - MO) -- Reptilian
Boxer, Barbara (D - CA) -- Alien supported
Bunning, Jim (R - KY) -- Alien supported
Byrd, Robert (D - WV) -- Reptilian
Campbell, Ben Nighthorse (R - CO) Pleiadean (fallen to the other side)
Carper, Thomas (D - DE) -- Alien supported
Clinton, Hillary (D - NY) --Alien/other type
Conrad, Kent (D - ND) --Alien/other type
Crapo, Mike (R - ID) --- Alien supported
Daschle, Thomas (D - SD) --Reptilian
Dodd, Christopher (D - CT) -- Alien supported
Domenici, Pete (R - NM) --Reptilian
Dorgan, Byron (D - ND) -- Reptilian
Durbin, Richard (D - IL) --Alien supported
Feingold, Russell (D - WI) -- Alien/other type
Graham, Bob (D - FL) -- Reptilian
Gramm, Phil (R - TX) -- Reptilian of high office
Harkin, Tom (D - IA) -- Alien of high office
Hollings, Ernest (D - SC) -- Alien /other type
Hutchison, Kay Bailey (R - TX) -- Alien supported
Inouye, Daniel (D - HI) --Reptilian
Kennedy, Edward (D - MA) --Very high reptilian
Leahy, Patrick (D - VT) -- Reptilian
Lieberman, Joseph (D - CT) --Very high alien/other type
McCain, John (R - AZ) -- Alien hybrid
Nickles, Don (R - OK) --- Alien/other type
Reid, Harry (D - NV) -- Alien supported
Rockefeller IV, John (D - WV) --Reptilian of very high office/leadership
Santorum, Rick (R - PA) Alien/other type
Sarbanes, Paul (D - MD) Very high (nasty) alien type
Specter, Arlen (R - PA) __Very high reptilian
Thurmond, Strom (R - SC) Alien/other type
Warner, John (R - VA) Reptilian/Warrior Leader
House of Representatives:
Aderholt, Robert; Alabama, 4th (Reptilian and group leader of other aliens)
Armey, Richard; Texas, 26th (Alien/other breed)
Baird, Brian; Washington, 3rd (Alien/other type)
Baldwin, Tammy; Wisconsin, 2nd (Reptilian)
Barrett, Thomas; Wisconsin, 5th (Alien/other type)
Becerra, Xavier; California, 30th (Reptilian)
Bilirakis, Michael; Florida, 9th (Reptilian of High Office)
Blunt, Roy; Missouri, 7th Reptilian of High Office)
Bonior, David; Michigan, 10th (Very high Reptilian--Leader of sub-group)
Boucher, Rick; Virginia, 9th (Reptilian--high office)
Brown, Henry; South Carolina, 1st (Reptilian – very high order)
Callahan, Sonny; Alabama, 1st (Reptilian --other type)
Capito, Shelley; West Virginia, 2nd (Alien --other type)
Carson, Brad; Oklahoma, 2nd (Reptilian --very high officer)
Clayton, Eva; North Carolina,1st (Reptilian --very high order)
Condit, Gary; California, 18th (Levy died because she found out his secret--he's Reptilian --not such a high order (obviously))
Crenshaw, Ander; Florida, 4th (Reptilian --very high order)
Culberson, John; Texas, 7th (Extremely high order reptilian)
Davis, Susan; California, 49th (Reptilian)
DeFazio, Peter; Oregon, 4th (Reptilian--very high order)
DeLay, Tom; Texas, 22nd (A leader of the Reptilians here on planet Earth)
Doggett, Lloyd; Texas, 10th (Reptilian --very high order)
English, Phil; Pennsylvania, 21st (Reptilian commander)
Flake, Jeff; Arizona, 1st (Reptilian, leader of lesser order)
Fossella, Vito; New York, 13th (Alien --other type)
Gilchrest, Wayne; Maryland, 1st (Reptilian --very high order)
Goss, Porter; Florida, 14th (Reptilian/alien hybrid)
Green, Mark; Wisconsin, 8th (Alien --other type)
Gutierrez, Luis; Illinois, 4th (Reptilian --very high order)
Hansen, James; Utah, 1st (Reptilian leader)
Hefley, Joel; Colorado, 5th (Reptilian leader)
Hobson, David; Ohio, 7th (Alien--other type)
Houghton, Amo; New York, 31st (Reptilian --very high order)
Hyde, Henry; Illinois, 6th (Reptilian of the Supreme Command (er))
Jackson-Lee, Sheila; Texas, 18th (Reptilian --other type)
Jones, Walter; North Carolina, 3rd (Reptilian --High Command)
Kennedy, Patrick; Rhode Island, 1st (Alien influenced)
Kind, Ron; Wisconsin, 3rd (Reptilian --supreme command)
Langevin, James; Rhode Island, 2nd (Reptilian --First Order)
Lewis, John; Georgia, 5th (Reptilian)
Luther, Bill; Minnesota, 6th (Reptilian --Very High Order)
Markey, Edward; Massachusetts, 7th (Reptilian --Very High Order)
McHugh, John; New York, 24th (Reptilian --extremely High Order)
McNulty, Michael; New York, 21st (Reptilian --Very High Order)
Miller, George; California, 7th (Reptilian --Extremely High Order)
Nethercutt, George; Washington, 5th (Reptilian --Supreme Command)
Owens, Major; New York, 11th (Reptilian --Extremely High Order)
Pence, Mike; Indiana, 2nd (Reptilianj --Very High Order)
Platts, Todd; Pennsylvania, 19th (Reptilian --VEry High Order)
Rahall, Nick; West Virginia, 3rd (Reptilian)
Rangel, Charles; New York, 15th (Reptilian --Very High Order)
Rodriguez, Ciro; Texas, 28th (Reptilian)
Ryan, Paul; Wisconsin, 1st (Reptilian)
Serrano, Jose; New York, 16th (Reptilian --High Order)
Shimkus, John; Illinois, 20th (Alien --other type)
Slaughter, Louise; New York, 28th (Reptilian)
Stearns, Cliff; Florida, 6th (Reptilian --Very High Order)
Strickland, Ted; Ohio, 6th (Reptilian --Very High Order)
Thomas, William; California, 21st (Reptilian --High Order)
Walsh, James; New York, 25th (Reptilian --Very High Order)
Weller, Jerry; Illinois, 11th (Alien --other type)
Wilson, Heather; New Mexico, 1st (Reptilian)