I keep a weblog like it's still the 90s. For commentary and dissent please visit jontaylor.ca, or various other purveyors of thought online.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Solar Solution to Suicide

On Sunday, the Australian government offered up 500 million dollars (of Plastic Australian Money) for 'green' initiatives.

The first few initiatives were announced today.
One of the first projects to get funding is what Finance Minister Peter Costello said aimed to be the "biggest photovoltaic project in the world"

The impetus of the announcement has been the recent trend of suicide among farmers.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Gambling on the Environment

Pravda posted today that the Dawson City Ice Pool could be a valuable indicator of warming in Canada's north. The earliest the ice has started flowing in the river is April 28, 1940. The latest is May 28, 1964.

Hopefully this post added something to the debate surrounding climate change.

Friday, October 20, 2006

First Snow

Nice looking snow squalls today in Kingston. Hope it'll be safe to drive home.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Hard Work, Big Reward

On a trip to the Florida Everglades the Outdoor's Club of Queen's University was given a special opportunity: Be the first to go from one end to another. We travelled along the gulf coast and in the saltwater bays. The lakes were especially interesting as the potassium runoff from farming has made the water bioluminescent. This falcon was not fucking around, he caught 6 fish while we were watching him. For him it was flying, for us it was paddling, either way it resulted in a big reward.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Rainy Day

I've lived through 40 days of rain twice. Once while living in northern Brisith Columbia, and once when I was in Thailand. This particular picture was taken at Wat Khao Ngu in Ratchaburi Province. We were at a pot luck breakfast and there was a small carnival. Fun was had by all.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Look Up / Look Down

Wrinkles in the Clouds

Holes in the Earth

Hat Tip to JLR and Taggart

Monday, October 9, 2006

Artist: God

As an agnostic I look for what could be god in nature. In this case I was in Algonquin Park for Thanksgiving. I woke up early during a thick mist and made my way to the boathouse. I stole one of the cedar strip canoes that seemed as old as the cottage itself. As I paddled through the mist it split and I saw the sun peak out between the pine and birch trees of Cache Lake.

I find it funny that photographers call themselves artists, some may be, but most are just interpreting someone elses work.

During that same weekend we hiked to Skymont. Most people walk from the Track and Tower Trail. We climbed to the lookout and on the way we saw this waterfall. This was a great Thanksgiving. I will remember to thank the artist.

Thursday, October 5, 2006

The Sky

During the rainny season of 2543-2544 (2000-2001) I visited Nena and Luiz at their homes in Pranburi, Thailand. At the time we were all Rotary Exchange students. This photo was taken at Nena's house in Sam Roi Rot, 5 minutes from Pranburi.

Monday, October 2, 2006

Berries and Clouds

For a while I worked as a farm hand on a berry farm. I would often hide between the rows of raspberries on the really hot days of July and August and watch the clouds float by.

Sunday, October 1, 2006

Temple on the Hill

There's a village called Snake Mountain in Thailand. The name Snake Mountain is a bit misleading though, there is more than one mountain and more than one snake. The temple in the distance is nothing more than a roof and four colums but it is the most serene place I have ever been to.